
Captain's Blog

Bonaire East Coast Diving

  • Behind the scenes
    The last few weeks we have been spending a lot of time with the guys from Spotsonline, a professional company that specializes in promotional videography. The idea is to create a short video that shows you what we do and create awareness at the same time. We’ll keep you posted on the final result, we’re just as curious as you!
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  • New crew!
    As of the first of May, Martijn Hickmann joined the Bonaire East Coast Diving team! Martijn was born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in a proper scuba diving family. Since 2008 he's been working as an instructor, with his first job on Bonaire. After a while he decided to leave our island and explore different waters in the world, only to return to Bonaire in 2012. For the last few years he has been working for a local dive operator as an instructor and guide. From looking for the smallest critters on the west coast to finding the biggest marine life on the east…
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  • How it’s made…
    We use them every day, but do we know how they're made?
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  • We’re back!!!
    We’re happy to announce that we’re back in the water and taking reservations as of now! Thanks to all of you for your patience and understanding, we truly appreciate it! It took us some weeks to get both engines up and running again but in the meantime we didn’t sit still. The boat looks brand spanking new and we hope we can welcome you soon! Thanks again, the crew.
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  • Friday Fact
    Most photos on our website are taken by Federico Cabello, a Venezuelan artist and photographer. He joined us numerous times on the boat when he was working on his book "Bonaire - Point to Point". The book is a beautiful illustration of our underwater world and a guide to diving on Bonaire in general. The book is for sale on Amazon and makes the perfect gift for Bonaire lovers and divers.
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  • Our New Website!
    Dear divers, friends, and sympathizers. It is with great pride that we present you our new website! Take some time to explore and enjoy, and please give us your feedback! And while we got your attention, don’t forget to rate us on Tripadvisor, like us on Facebook , follow us on Twitter and check out our Pinterest gallery ;-). Hope to see you soon on the boat, for some unforgettable diving! The Bonaire East Coast Diving Team
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  • Spelonk: what a dive!
    Last week, it has been quiet all week and I was really in the mood to go look for a new dive site. I discussed this with the captain and he said it was wise to dive Spelonk first, so we decided to do that. The sea was not as calm as we expected and eventually, we spotted the Lighthouse. During our drive I already gave the briefing, in which I clearly explained what the rules were on this dive. After the backroll, we all descended together and I decided to go North. That's very different from Funchie's Reef! The…
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  • Happy divers, happy staff
    Today’s six divers were very happy with the free swimming Green Moray and with the Rays that passed by on the first dive. Especially with the big Southern Stingrays. The last one did not even bother to pass us, but settled on a tiny patch of sand in the coral. In a depth of about 30 feet the photographers had an ideal opportunity of shooting the sunbathing Stingray. One of our divers today was focused on seeing Turtles. She did not care much about the other stuff, but after our first dive she was very happy, having seen three or…
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  • Turtle city – over 250 turtles in one week!
    Hello divers & divettes, Sorry for not keeping you informed about the East Coast. I don't have an excuse for it other than we are just a bit behind with all kinds of stuff. But now the interesting part. We found out that, just South of the White Hole, there is a field of seafans. The averege depth is around 30 feet and the place is filled with turtles. Last week we have spotted more than 250 of them, so we have decided to do the whitehole from North to South and then go over to Turtle City. These dives…
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Are you ready to explore Bonaire's incredible East Coast?